APWU: Long Island Area Local Rallies for Good Postal Service! Good Jobs! Good Contract!


Members of the Long Island Area Local outside the Mid-Island general mail facility Photo credit: James Carbone

Web News Article #: 208-2015
11/03/2015 – More than 150 members of the Long Island Area Local and their supporters rallied for Good Postal Service! Good Jobs! Good Contract! at a demonstration in front of the Mid-Island general mail facility in Melville, NY, on Nov. 1.

Protesters informed the public about the fight for a good contract, called for the reversal of degraded service standards that went into effect on Jan. 5, and demanded an end to the shady deal between the Postal Service and Staples.

A Postal Service proposal to create a lower tier category of workers is the primary hurdle, union members told the media. Management’s proposal would lower the starting wage to between $14 and $15 and reduce benefits cost-of-living adjustments and annual and sick leave.

“We can work out something to stop this race to the bottom,” Northeast Regional Coordinator John Dirzius told Newsday, adding that the Postal Service should focus on improving and expanding services, rather than cutting.

“We want to eliminate long lines at the post office,” he said. “What other business grows by reducing services?”

Pete Furgiuele, president of the Long Island Area Local, slammed the Staples deal in a speech to members. “We demand that our work not get subcontracted,” he said.

Source: Long Island Area Local Rallies for Good Postal Service! Good Jobs! Good Contract! | APWU

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