APWU: List of PostPlan Offices and Area Locals; RMPOs associated with APOs

From: Clint Burelson
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2014 9:42 PM
To: Clerk Division NBAs
Cc: Clerk Department; Regional Coordinators
Subject: PostPlan Offices and Area Locals

Sisters and Brothers,

I am requesting your assistance in determining if any of the PostPlan offices will have bidding between existing installations covered by an Area Local and the new installations created as a result of Postplan. If an Area Local previously represented a facility that is now designated as an APO, the Local will now have the RMPOs associated with that APO.

It could be that the Area Local represents an APO that will now allow for employees at a Plant to bid in the newly available small offices associated with the APO. It could be that an Area Local represents many offices/APOs that are separate installations and there will be no bidding from large offices/Plants to these small offices.

Attached is an excel file [XLS] that has all the PostPlan office finance numbers matched up with the APWU Area Local that represents that office (APWU data). The data is sorted by state and then Local. Only offices that have an Area Local associated with the office are listed in this file.

In addition to determining the bidding question, please also report any offices that are not correctly matched with the Area Local.



One thought on “APWU: List of PostPlan Offices and Area Locals; RMPOs associated with APOs

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU Local 317 Fort Dodge, IA
    I see we are not listed (a Level 21 with 8 RMPOs under it). Management claims the PSE’s can not
    bid. Is my local in good standing with the national?

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