From: Michael Macho <>
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2022
Cc: Vance Zimmerman <>
Subject: Extension of COVID MOUs and Liberal Leave PolicyOn behalf of Director Zimmerman,
Please see the attached extension of the COVID MOUs and Liberal Leave Policy through May 6, 2022.
Management has put the APWU on notice that from their perspective, this will be the last extension. That being said, the APWU will continue to monitor COVID-19 for any future spreading, or any new variant. We continue to encourage wearing your masks and all that are able to become full vaccinated including and needed boosters.
Please disseminate to the Field.
Michael L. Macho
Assistant Manager, Negotiations Support and Special Projects
Industrial Relations Department
American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO
1300 L Street, NW | Washington, DC 20005-4128
Tel: 202.842.4273 Cell: 202.215.5438