APWU Dues – When Changing Unions

No one wants to pay double dues when they transfer to one of the crafts represented by the APWU and join our union.

National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) & National Postal Mail Handlers Union (NPMHU)

When a new member is joining from either the NALC or the NPMHU, please send the completed Form 1187 along with the letter referenced below to the national APWU. You should note on the form, in large print on the white margin of the form, “CANCEL NALC FIRST” or “CANCEL NPMHU FIRST”. Please ensure that the local is clearly identified as well. Please click here for a letter you can print, complete and return with the Form 1187.

National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association (NRLCA)

If you have a new member transferring into APWU from the NRLCA, please see below.

  1. Complete this form to request a packet to stop NRLCA dues for the new member. Include with the form a copy of the new member’s completed Form 1187.
    American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO

      Attn: Per Capita Department
      1300 L Street, NW
      Washington, DC 20005
  2. The Per Capita Department will send to the Local President a packet that is to be completed and returned directly to the NRLCA. It is the responsibility of the Local President to have the new member sign the letter in the packet and send directly to the NRLCA in the self-address envelope. It is asked that you forward a copy of the letter sent to the NRLCA with the new member’s signature to the Per Capita Department by mail or e-mail.
  3. Once the letter has been received by the NRLCA, they will notify the Per Capita Department that a letter has been sent to Shared Services to cancel the new member’s dues in the NRLCA.
  4. The Per Capita Department will process the Form 1187 the second pay period after the date on the letter the NRLCA send to Shared Services.
  5. The new member will be on your DCO two (2) pay periods after the Form 1187 is processed by the Per Capita Department.

Source: APWU

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