APWU Clerk NBA Turney: Proper Use of Social Media

From: Linda J. Turney <lturney@apwu.org>
Sent: March 26, 2020 11:53 AM
Subject: Proper Use of Social Media (see attached)

Can I use my personal social media accounts to talk about the Postal Service?

Many postal employees have personal social media accounts and use these platforms to connect with their family, friends and co-workers. When using your personal accounts, be mindful of the following three important points:

1. Never speak for, or act on behalf of the Postal Service, or suggest that you have the authority to do so.

2. Conduct – such as harassment, bullying, discrimination, or retaliation – that would not be permissible in the workplace is not permissible online, even if it is done after hours, from home, or on a personal computer, smartphone, laptop or tablet device.

3. Although it is not the policy of the Postal Service to interfere with the private lives of employees, the USPS does require that Postal Service employees be of good character and reputation in their day to-day lives, including while on social media.

I am hearing from other NBAs that USPS workers are posting about the USPS on social media. Please warn your members to be careful about such posts that would be considered speaking on behalf of the USPS, harassment or bullying, not conveying good character or good conduct or a good reputation.

I would suggest that you do NOT post while you are on the clock. If you want to complain about the lack of supplies, hand sanitizers or cleaning supplies or gloves, complain to your NBAs so we can complain to the appropriate authorities. Complaining on social media will not address resolutions to your problems.

Please read through the attached social media talk.

Thanks Tampa NBA Doris for the reminder.

Stay Well

Linda J. Turney,
National Business Agent
(312) 986-8650

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