APWU: Article 19 Maintenance Staffing Arbitration Award

Attached please find the award of Arbitrator Jaffe on whether the Service violated Article 19 when they issued a new maintenance staffing MMO (112-10) for NDCs to replace MMO 022-04, aka BMC-Gold.

The posting page included does not go into the Article 19 items in great detail as those are of primary interest mostly to us that deal with the subject at this level.

The burden or standard which the Service must meet to comply with Article 19 is spelled out and there is a great deal of good language in this award. Including:

“… the Postal Service failed to introduce significant and detailed, first hand information that made clear the projected impact of the proposed changes on wages, hours, and working conditions at the time that the changes were developed and proposed or the actual impact of the changes on wages, hours, and working conditions based upon subsequent events.”

Jaffe does direct a return to the status quo ante by rescinding MMO 112-10 and restoring MMO 022-04. In recognition that his award may cause the Service some consternation, the Arbitrator offers that;

“Any resulting disruption in the development of post-Award maintenance staffing for NDCs is unfortunate, but is the product of the Postal Service’s failures to have provided sufficient and accurate information to the Union at the time that the changes were first being considered for formal implementation.”

He did not make a monetary award directly. He determined that those kind of damages were beyond the scope of the issue in front of him. However, he did opine that the locally filed grievances should address those matters (OT assignments, staffing reductions, etc.). That means the local grievances go forward – Note too that Jaffe did not retain jurisdiction.

Jaffe references the Service’s violation as “significant failures to comply with Article 19 [that] cannot be dismissed as harmless error”.

Via Steven G. Raymer
Director, Maintenance Division
American Postal Workers Union

Also see: Arbitrator Hammers USPS in Maintenance Staffing Case – APWU.org

2 thoughts on “APWU: Article 19 Maintenance Staffing Arbitration Award

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    CFAL - APWU Local 1462

    ECBM proceedures – As to signing off or bypassing ECBM items, are other offices being instructed to “Do tasks from the ECBM checklist that were due yesterday and not done” today before you begin todays ECBM checklist???

    Thank you

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU Local at Mid Hudson P&DC
    Office held, if any

    What? No reward after years of being bamboozled in this state of affairs? Shame on you and the postal service for not having the employees’ best interests in mind. Their poor management has, once again, struck a mighty blow on each and every maintenance custodian affected by this correction. We demand an award for the mistakes that have been made and have allowed us to suffer for them, including taking so many years just to arrive at this forgone conclusion! Shame on all of you! This is American postal justice that I fought for in Viet Nam? Certainly not! You can’t get away with it if our union has anything to say about it, and I hope it does! STINKERS!!!

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