APWU: $56 Million Payment Delayed

Web News Article #: 230-2015
12/15/2015 – The Postal Service failed to complete processing of a $56 million payment to clerks in small offices in time for the holidays, the union has learned. Management blamed the delay on a computer glitch technicians encountered when they attempted to upload the payments, said APWU Assistant Clerk Craft Director Lamont Brooks. Payment was expected this week.

The payments are for violations of contractual limits on supervisory personnel performing Clerk Craft duties in Level 15, 16, and 18 offices, and are part of a “global settlement” of grievances on the issue.

When a new date for payment is known, the union will post an update.

As Brooks previously cautioned, “Don’t spend it before you get it!”

Source: $56 Million Payment Delayed | APWU

One thought on “APWU: $56 Million Payment Delayed

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - New York Metro

    Where is the FAIR disbursement for ftrs clerks. If you took the time to read the DAS report he says ALL CLERKS should be paid not a select class. We all put in grievances and you totally overlooked ftrs. I thought the union stands for all clerks. You say we stand together but this is not the case. You should have taken your time and read the DAS report before giving away ALL CLERKS MONEY.

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