Video: American Flag Flies Upside Down at Dallas Post Office

By Jocelyn Lockwood – May 6, 2015
The U.S. Postal Service calls an American flag found flying upside down at a Dallas post office an “unfortunate mishap.”

NBC 5 viewer Rick Yarber said he noticed the flag upside down Wednesday morning just before the post office on South Cockrell Hill Road opened.

“Oh, it made me mad,” Yarber said. “I was angry about it.”

Yarber took several photographs of the flag and complained to a manager.

“You know there has been a lot of men and women die to protect that flag and what it stands for in this country, and I’m sorry a government agency is going to fly it upside down?” said Yarber. “Really?”

Yarber said a manager told him it was an accident, and they would fix it.

In a statement to NBC 5 the U.S. Postal Service said:

“There was no intent by the postal service to disrespect the American flag, as it was hoisted upside down today, at the Dallas Beverly Hills Station. After local management was informed, it was immediately corrected. To all of our customers, we apologize for this unfortunate mishap.”

Yarber called attention to the flag on the NBCDFW Facebook page and said he wanted to make sure it never happens again.

United States Flag Code suggests how the American flag should be treated and states, in part, “The flag should never be displayed with union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.”

Source: American Flag Flies Upside Down at Dallas Post Office | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

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