Agenda Item for 9/29/22 USPS/APWU Retail Meeting: Lack of Stamps or Postal Products on Retail Window

From: Lamont Brooks <>
Date: September 23, 2022
Subject: High Importance: Lack of Stamps or Postal Products on Retail Window -Agenda Item HQ USPS/APWU Retail Meeting 9/29/22

Please disseminate to the field!

Please forward me a copy of any e-mail or scanned written correspondence as documentation to management of instances where you are unable to get stamp stock or postal products on your retail window.

If it is a one-time situation or an exception to the rule there is no need to expose local management.

It is the repeated violations that are of concern.

I need the e-mail forwarded to me because I need your inquiry to management and their actual response to you, as the Postal Service will deny the allegations and I won’t have proof.

You still have to challenge this at the local level in your Labor/Management meetings.

We are approaching the holiday season.

Lead clerks/clerks should be ordering stamp stock and postal products in RSS to help us track whether the matter is a local problem or a national distribution problem. Orders are normally filled based on prior sales/usage in RSS for your facility.

This is like a gas station trying to stay in business without having gas.

This is totally unacceptable.

I need the information by next Wednesday, September 28th.

I need proof, not allegations. Please do not forward me assertions without proof as this is no different than me filing a grievance without documentation at my level.

Please courtesy copy Clerk Assistant Director Sam Lisenbe <>.

Thank you!

Lamont Brooks
Clerk Division

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