“We Stand With Postal Workers” – Locals Please Get Ready for May 14

Omar Gonzalez

Omar Gonzalez

Via APWU WR Coordinator Omar Gonzalez:
HQ has issued a call for ALL Locals to have at least one major demonstration so we can have the public, our Grand Alliance Organizations and our sister postal unions and AFL-CIO unions join us. If you are NOT the Local President please contact him/her and ask to commit (respond to NCCC@apwu.org)

I sent this to you so you can reach out to your Local Presidents to START NOW to prepare for this IMPORTANT DATE! Please forward to your Locals and contacts.

NBAs are being asked by HQ to reach out to the Local leadership to have them commit to this action day.  NBAs may also select where they will participate if they so desire.

Thank you and get the word out!

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