Southern Area facilities with 302 Bin DBCS Stackers?

Are there any Facilities in the Southern Area running 302 bins on their DB platform Machines?

First Name: Philip
Last Name: Morgan
Union/Local: APWU – Fayetteville, Arkansas Local 667
Office held if any: Alt Maintenance Steward

3 thoughts on “Southern Area facilities with 302 Bin DBCS Stackers?

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Lehigh Valley Area Local
    Office held, if any
    Email Address

    Maybe time to start developing arguments to get two sweepers per machine? Not to mention that some facilities are still staffing a DBCS with one clerk.

    Side note: I remember the Letter Sorting Machines (LSM) that ran 60 lttrs per minute on 12 consoles (43,000) pcs per hour. The LSM had around 320 stackers (someone can correct me) and THREE sweepers. DBCS machines are approaching 40,000 per hour with one sweeper. Not actually getting 40,000, but that is their goal.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Central Arkansas Area Local 189
    Office held, if any
    Email Address

    Not going on here at the P&DC at the moment but the wheels are turning to look at doing it at Little Rock. I see a safety issue coming into play as they are going to try and cram everything together to try and make it fit.

  3. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU National Member at Large
    Email Address

    ***** DPS 302 IS COMING ******
    Watch out Folks…. Management decided to launch a national program, DPS 302 , that will condense sort plans , extending DBCS’ to 302 Pockets Nationally, as well as condensing Weekend Processing to Sundays only. This all ties into the Reduction of Processing Equipment.

    The latter shift of work on Sundays is being ram rodded and to be in place , supposedly by July 18th. One facility told “I don’t care about the contract…we’re doing this.” Yes, yes they did.

    The DPS 302 is supposed to be launched in September. They are getting information on what machines are in place, focusing on the Phase 4 or newer. Ditching older. They are going to have to rewire EVERY DBCS that is not wired to facilitate more than 270 Pocket Configurations. Extending all machines to 302 Pockets. ALL DURING PRE PEAK….

    They are doing back office plannig on this as we speak, NATIONALLY!!! Anyone receive notifications and Art 12 plans?

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