25 Fort Meyers P&DC Postal Support Employees Prevail in Arbitration

SWFAL_PSE_arbVia Sam Wood, SWFAL President:

Thanks to SWFAL-APWU’s Arbitration Advocate Jim DeMauro for doing another outstanding job in this case! Thanks also to Technical Advisor’s NBA Mike Sullivan and SWFAL-APWU Clerk Craft Director Paul McAvoy. Special thanks to SWFAL-APWU Vice President Dan Gray for presenting evidence and excellent testimony in front of the arbitrator.

The 25 Postal Support Employees (PSE’s) at the Fort Myers P&DC who were converted effective April 19, 2014 and then un-converted by management, have just prevailed in Arbitration. Our local also prevailed on a removal that was combined with the case where we argued that the employee was not in their 90 day probationary period and should not have been removed. The arbitrator ruled that all 25 PSE’s shall be retroactively converted to career full-time employees effective April 19, 2014 and shall be paid the difference in wages and benefits retroactive to April 19, 2014.

This is another victory for our local and our membership. Justice is not automatic and grievances do take time to be arbitrated. Congratulations to those 25 PSE’s and our local on such a huge victory!

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