Are APWU Retirees who only pay $36/yr dues allowed to vote on Tentative Agreements?

I’m a dues paying Retiree Member of the APWU, but not a full dues paying Retiree. I tried to be a full dues paying Retiree when I retired more than 10 years ago but got no cooperation from APWU National or my APWU Local. I guess they didn’t need or want my money. So I…

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APWU: Temporary MOUs Due to COVID-19 Extended through April 8, 2022

From: Vance Zimmerman <> Sent: Friday, February 4, 2022 Subject: Extension of Temporary MOUs Due to COVID-19 All, Please see the attached extensions of the temporary MOUs due to COVID-19 and the Liberal Leave Policy. Please note that the liberal leave document–which is dated today–also includes the original document signed by Deputy PMG Tulino–that is…

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