APWU: USPS Notification of Function 4 PSE Retention Survey

From: Vance Zimmerman <vzimmerman@apwu.org> Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2021 Subject: PSE Retention Survey All, recently the Postal Service notified the APWU that they would be conducting a survey of PSEs assigned to Function 4. This survey is being referred to as “retention survey for Postal Support Employees (PSEs) currently assigned to Function 4 (Customer Service…

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APWU: USPS Notification on rewrite of entire ELM Chapter 7 – Training and Development

From: Lynn Pallas-Barber <lpallas@apwu.org> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 Subject: USPS notification on the rewrite of the entire Chapter 7 of the ELM – Training and Development To all APWU family, On December 21, 2020 the APWU received notification the USPS intended to rewrite in its entirety Chapter Seven (7) of the Employee Labor Relations…

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APWU: USPS Intends to Deploy New Package Sorting Machine SDUS to Various Locations

From: Lynn Pallas-Barber <lpallas@apwu.org> Sent: Friday, February 19, 2021 Subject: Notification No. GCCC20210071 USPS Intends to Deploy New Package Sorting Machine SDUS to Various Locations To all APWU family, Please find attached the latest notification from the USPS concerning the deployment of the SDUS. There has been no separate national jurisdictional determination on the SDUS….

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