Retiree Resolution for the 2020 National Convention
As discussed at the California State convention many think retirees should concentrate on one single resolution. Below is one we can consider. Feel free to provide comments and suggestions.
REPRESENTATIONWHEREAS, as the mothers and fathers of the American Postal Workers Union, retired members are a storehouse of knowledge, battle-tested experience, and wisdom to be utilized as a valuable American Postal Workers Union asset, and
WHEREAS, American Postal Workers Union Retiree Department members paid full dues for decades, and
WHEREAS, most American Postal Workers Union Retiree are like all retirees and live on a fixed reduced income, and
WHEREAS, many American Postal Workers Union Retiree step forward when the union needs assistance or support,
WHEREAS, a united American Postal Workers Union benefits all APWU Members, therefore be it
Resolved, to amend the American Postal Workers Union Constitution and Bylaws Article 6. Add Retiree Chapter to section 1(a) and a new section 7. They would read as follows.
“SEC. 1. (a) Each local union, area local, and local retiree chapter shall be entitled to representation in National Conventions of one (1) delegate and one (1) vote for each twenty-five (25) members or fraction thereof.”
(b) Each affiliate local or retiree chapter shall be entitled to at least one (1) delegate vote.
(c) Each state organization or state retiree chapter shall be entitled to one (1) delegate and one (1) vote for each twenty-five (25) members or fraction thereof of the unrepresented members.
“SEC. 7. Retiree delegates will be seated with a voice and a vote at the National APWU Convention.”
First Name: Bobby
Last Name: Donelson
Union/Local: APWU – Southwest Coastal Area Local Retiree Chapter
Office held if any: Retiree Chapter President
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
Southwest Coastal Area Local Retiree Chapter and California State APWU
Office held, if any
Retiree Chapter President and California State SCF Rep.
Email Address
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU - Houston Area Local
Office held, if any
Trustee Houston Retirees Chapter
Email Address
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU - Flint MI A.L. #271 Retiree Chapter, Michigan State Retiree Chapter
Office held, if any
Past MPWU State Chaptr Pres., currently Michigan State Retiree Chapter Adviser
Email Address
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU - Philadelphia Area Local Retiree Chapter
Office held, if any
Retiree Activist
Email Address
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU Oakland Ca.
Office held, if any
Legislative Director - Retirees
Email Address
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU - Southwest Coastal Area Local Retiree Chapter
Office held, if any
Chapter President
Email Address
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU - Pittsburgh Area Retiree Chapter
Office held, if any
Email Address
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU - Oakland Local Retiree Chapter
Office held, if any
President, Oakland Area Retiree Chapter
Email Address