USPS OIG Report: Rural and Urban Origins of the U.S. Postal Service

August 26, 2019 (RISC-WP-19-007) From its earliest beginnings, the Postal Service wrestled with conflicts between the needs of rural and urban communities. Congress has played a key role in shaping postal policy throughout history, particularly in rural areas where it worked on granular issues such as the selection of specific delivery routes and the appointment…

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APWU: Interest Arbitration Hearings Scheduled in September and October

APWU Web News Article – August 26, 2019 The location for the interest arbitration’s opening hearings has been set. The hearings will take place at the Washington DC National Mall Hilton, located at 480 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Washington, DC 20024. Interest arbitration will determine the terms of the next contract. The hearings will begin at…

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