2019 APWU All Craft Conference information

Mark your calendar. Attached is the information on this year’s national event that is open to all APWU members – the All Craft Conference in Las Vegas. It runs Monday-Wednesday, October 28-30. Like the APWU National Convention, APWU retirees get a discounted registration rate and credentials that allow them to attend. They usually have breakfasts just for registered retirees.

If you can’t afford to stay at Bally’s, I recommend Ellis Island Hotel and Casino located directly behind Bally’s. Unlike the Strip hotels, they offer a free airport shuttle and free Wi-Fi. Many airline pilots and stewardesses stay there on overnight layovers.

The APWU National Presidents Conference will be held on Saturday and Sunday, October 26-27, before the All Craft Conference. It has a separate registration fee of $100 and credentials. I usually attend those as an observer and past president.

The ballots for APWU national officers are due in on October 7. The Installation dinner and swearing in of new national APWU officers will be October 31 at 6:30 pm. Again, all APWU members are welcome. The dinner has a separate fee of about $45.

2019 All Craft Conference Schedule of Events

National Presidents Conference

Ellis Island Hotel and Casino map

Via Don Cheney, APWU – Auburn WA Local, Retired President

One thought on “2019 APWU All Craft Conference information

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Mississippi Coast Area Local 204
    Office held, if any
    Local Clerk Craft Director and District Director for MPWU
    Email Address
    We have a credit union who is looking into renting vendor space at the All Craft Conference. Could someone please give me contact information for me to forward to them? Thank You.

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