USPS: Election, political mail explained

The Postal Service is reminding employees of the differences between Election Mail and Political Mail. Election Mail refers to mail that allows individuals to participate in the voting process, such as ballots for domestic or international delivery, while Political Mail consists of mailing from registered political candidates, parties and related organizations. There are different tagging…

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USPS OIG: The Importance of Planned Maintenance

In its five-year strategic plan, the U.S. Postal Service emphasizes the importance of regularly maintaining its facilities. In fact, it outlines an initiative to standardize, upgrade, and realign maintenance operations across field offices to reduce operating expenses. However, the Postal Service only established and tracked maintenance optimization planned savings at the national level and not…

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Update on the Postal Service’s Share of CSRS Pension Responsibility

May 7, 2018 (RARC-WP-18-009) When Postal Service employees retire under the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS), somebody has to pay for their pensions. For people who used to work for the former Post Office Department and then later worked for the Postal Service, the federal government and the Postal Service split pension costs. Under the…

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