Q & As on Benefits, Pay, and Leave Under VERA updated January 2018

Updated January 2018 The date above indicates the date that this document was reviewed and updated. Whenever this document is updated, every FAQ is reviewed, but not every FAQ requires a change. NOTE: For more information related to any questions and answers presented in this document, you should review the VIDEO segments in the Retirement…

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Chief Postal Inspector: We’re fighting opioid crisis

By Guy Cottrell – January 7, 2018 The U.S. Postal Service is deeply concerned about America’s opioid crisis and has been working aggressively with law enforcement and key trading partners to stem the flow of illegal drugs entering the United States. In collaboration with federal agencies and state and local law enforcement, improved investigative techniques…

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FedEx is not certified mail, Utah Court of Appeals declares

By Ben Winslow – January 7, 2018 SALT LAKE CITY — The state appeals court has overturned a ruling against a Juab County company because the Labor Commission sent a notice of violation via FedEx and not U.S. Postal Service. In a ruling published Saturday night, the Utah Court of Appeals declared that you can’t…

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