2018 NALC Guide to Route Inspections is now available online

Dear NALC Member:

This guide was created to assist shop stewards and branch officers in identifying contractual violations that take place during management’s unilateral six-day route counts and inspections/adjustments, and with filing successful grievances on those violations.

The sections in this guide take you through the inspection in chronological order and provide an easy reference to various provisions and related national settlements that govern route inspections.

There is also a section with detailed descriptions and advice on how to read the various forms, reports, and screens used during the route count and inspection process. Once you learn how to read one of our examples, you will be able to understand every one of the same type of form, report, or screen you will ever see.

We have another publication called NALC Route Protection Program. This publication was written several years ago and is still as useful today as it was when it was created. It thoroughly explains every aspect of the traditional six-day route count and inspection process and provides guidance for letter carriers going through route inspections. This publication is available on the City Delivery page of the NALC website located at www.nalc.org.

A pocket handbook for letter carriers was written to compliment the NALC Route Protection Program publication. This pocket-sized booklet was created to be used by letter carriers as a quick and convenient reference during the week of route count and inspection. It has been updated for 2018 and is available to NALC members through each NBA office and the NALC Supply Department.

This guide is intended to serve as an addition to these existing resources. We hope you find the new guide to be useful. Our goal is to help you build the kind of case files that will provide the best chance for resolution at the lowest possible step of the Dispute Resolution Process.

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Fredric V. Rolando

Lew Drass
Vice President

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