Changes to Age Verification for Mailing of Cigarettes, Smokeless Tobacco Products

Cigarettes and smokeless tobacco are subject to numerous mailability restrictions. These restrictions may require Postal Service™ employees to conduct age verification of the sender and/or recipient of the item, as indicated below. DMM 601.11.5.3(a): For the exception for businesses mailing cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products to other businesses or government agencies, the recipient must be…

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USPS ELM Revisions: Pay Administration, Labor Relations, Smoking

ELM Revision: Pay Administration Effective May 15, 2014, the Postal Service™ is revising the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) part 436 to correct the title of the annotated Management Instruction. We are also revising part 636 and Exhibit 637 to clarify how eIDEAS records are retained and to update the eIDEAS processing steps. ELM…

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USPS: Mailbox Improvement Week, May 18–24, 2014

Each year, the Postal Service™ designates the third full week of May as Mailbox Improvement Week to encourage customers on city motorized, rural, or contract delivery service routes (formerly highway contract box delivery routes) to examine and, where necessary, improve the appearance of their mailboxes. Neat, attractive mailboxes make a significant contribution to the appearance…

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Rolando: A void at the top gives PMG free rein

Excerpt: “I believe one of the main reasons is the absolute void at the top of the USPS’ governance structure. To be blunt, the USPS Board of Governors has effectively ceased to function as either a guiding or restraining force on management. It no longer has a quorum to make decisions or exert influence. There…

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