4 thoughts on “APWU 2010-2015 CBA – Run Toward, Not Away

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Charlotte Area Local
    The national average for passing the 2010-2015 contract was 75%. The Oakland local voted 95% for the contract. I commend the Oakland local for leading the way.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Oakland Ca. APWU
    Office held, if any
    Legislative Director Retirees
    You simply cannot fool all the people all the time. A Collective Bargaining Agreement that ushers in a three tier work force cannot be in the members best interest. We should never do this to younger workers as we did in the 2010 Agreement.
    What disturbs me also is the officers who either failed to read it or didn’t want to speak up. They learned a hard lesson by being swept out of office

  3. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Southwest Coastal Area Local, Retiree Chapter, and California State APWU
    Thanks Leroy and Jim for your comments.

    I was a local president when we voted for the 2010 and saw a major benefit to many postal workers. PTF’s and Part-Time Regulars benefited a lot. Excessing was kept to a minimum.

    PTF’s in Level 21 offices benefited in many ways.

  4. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Rochester, NY Area Local 215
    Office held, if any
    President Emeritus
    A well reasoned and thoughtful article by an old friend. Thank you Leroy.

    I would add several additional observations:

    1) The 2010-2015 contract was the largest union organizing victory with the least union resources spent, in at least 50 years. Casuals in all Postal Unions, a category that was 15,000 to over 20,000, depending on the year, became union with average initial wage increases of over 50%, just cause, and benefits for the first time, thanks to the APWU and no other union. Our current president, then our full time private sector union organizer, would be the first to tell you that such a nationwide organizing drive for casuals would have been cost prohibitive with little chance of success.

    2) The contract was approved by a nearly 3 to 1 margin and nearly the same in the Locals of our current officers.

    3) Then PMG Donahoe and his minions have a lot of responsibility for the current officers victories over the negotiators of the 2010 CBA. The PMG denied agreeing to the plain language of the 2010 CBA and acted as if the language meant nothing, for years. The National level arbitrations cited by Brother Moyer are on point here and I believe there were even more.
    Our current officers/negotiators are dedicated to the APWU and the labor movement. However, the former officers bled APWU Blue as well and their years of experience and competency are not easily replaced.

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