2017 WAPWU 10th Annual Stewards College: Aug 5-12

Via Charles P. Smith, President – WAPWU Informational Flier Registration Form (if you want to mail it in) Register Online Here If you register online there will be an opportunity to pay using PayPal. It is not required, just an option. WAPWU Stewards College on FACEBOOK Contact: wapwuprez@gmail.com

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Elect Charles P. Smith APWU Director of Research and Education (endorsement by 21cpw admin)

I fully support and endorse Charles P. Smith for the position of APWU Director of Research and Education.  Charles has been a dedicated leader and advocate for the APWU rank-and-file membership.  As President, he has successfully represented the Washington State Postal Workers Union membership in the grievance-arbitration process and been a voice for the rank-and-file at National and…

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