Judge orders Postal Service to pay $230,000 in damages to whistleblower

The Associated Press – February 26, 2015 SEATTLE: A federal judge has ordered the U.S. Postal Service to pay a worker almost $230,000 in damages for the retaliation he suffered when he helped a co-worker with her workplace health concerns. The worker had started with the Postal Service as a mail carrier in 1995 and…

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The Case of the Never-Ending Case: Bill Moore vs. the U.S. Government

In a saga comparable to Bleek House, Charles Dickens’ classic novel about a legal case that would never end, Bill Moore, a Texas businessman, has waged his own never-ending legal war against the United States government. At the center of the drama, which has now dragged on for 25 years, is an agency that prides…

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