USPS OIG Report: Late and Extra Trips at the Philadelphia P&DC

Background Late trips occur when various conditions cause a delay in the arrival or departure of transportation beyond the scheduled times. In April 2019, Postal Service Headquarters management informed plant management to eliminate all late trips and specified that all trips should depart and arrive to their destinations on time. From July 1 to December…

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USPS Philadelphia District: Attendance Control Propaganda Mailing

Postal Workers in the Philadelphia District have begun receiving attendance control propaganda in the mail, most likely signaling the implementation of a new Postal Attendance Terrorism campaign by the Agency.  

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USPS: New system tracking workers’ comp costs reduces Philadelphia District expenses

The Philadelphia Post Office has slashed its operating expenses by adopting a new system to track workers’ compensation costs. The office had more than 275 employees who were injured and not available for duty. “We were paying for worker compensation benefits for these employees out of work as well as for their replacements to cover…

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