USPS OIG Report: Transportation Network Operations and Cost Optimization Practices

Objective Postal Service transportation costs have increased $1.7 billion (or about 25 percent) since fiscal year (FY) 2014 despite an overall decline in mail volume of 8.8 billion pieces (or about 6 percent), as well as several initiatives to reduce transportation costs. Our objective was to analyze practices and cost trends and identify risk areas…

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USPS OIG Report: Processing Network Optimization

Objective Our objective was to evaluate trends and practices the U.S. Postal Service uses to optimize its processing network. The Postal Service’s processing network includes 285 facilities that processed 301 billion pieces of mail in fiscal year (FY) 2018, with an average staffing complement of 82,065. These facilities are responsible for processing mail for delivery…

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USPS OIG Report: Operational Window Change Savings

Objective The objective of our audit was to determine if the Postal Service achieved its projected savings for the Operational Window Change (OWC). On January 5, 2015, the Postal Service revised its First-Class Mail (FCM) service standards, eliminating single-piece overnight FCM service and shifting some mail from a 2-day to a 3-day service standard. These…

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OIG Report: Mail Processing Operations at the Roanoke P&DC

Background On January 5, 2015, the U.S. Postal Service revised its First-Class Mail® (FCM) service standards nationwide, eliminating single-piece overnight service and shifting some mail from a 2-day to a 3-day service standard. These revisions enabled the Postal Service to expand the amount of time each day that it could process mail, a change known…

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USPS OIG Audit Report: Mail Processing and Transportation Operational Changes

Background The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 noted the U.S. Postal Service had more facilities than it needed and should streamline its network to eliminate excess costs. The act requires the Postal Service to prepare a strategy for rationalizing its facilities network and remove excess processing capacity and space. In 2011, the Postal…

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UPDATED: 2 and 3 Day Failed or Delayed Mail spreadsheets (10/14 – 4/15)

Via APWU Member Sam Wood: The two attached spreadsheets have been updated to include delayed mail up until April 15, 2015 (4 days ago). There is a spreadsheet containing 2-Day Failed or Delayed Mail and then another spreadsheet for 3-Day Failed or Delayed Mail. As you will find on the spreadsheets, the amount of 3-day…

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USPS Delayed Mail Piece Spreadsheet – Fiscal Year 2015

Via APWU Member Sam Wood: I believe this is the best information I have compiled in a long time. Please feel free to share this delayed mail volumes. Please take your time when looking through it as I believe many of you will be impressed by the information that I was able to find! The…

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USPS Scores Prove Mail Is Being Delayed

Via Sam Wood, President – Southwest Florida Area Local Here is an excel spreadsheet that I have compiled showing the official USPS Southern Area 3 to 5 Day Ranking Scores For On Time Delivery. These statistics are from the USPS’s own data base (as of March 2015). My spreadsheet below includes: 1) Quarter 2 Fiscal…

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