USPS: VMF leadership program introduced

The Postal Service’s Fleet Management team unveiled a new leadership development program for Vehicle Maintenance Facility (VMF) managers and supervisors Oct. 1. The 1-year program is designed for employees looking to improve in their current position and advance their careers in fleet management. “The Fleet Leadership Development program is an opportunity for employees to expand…

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USPS “engagement ambassadors program” update

The Postal Service has shown more than 5,000 managers and supervisors how to improve their workplaces since the USPS engagement ambassadors program began in the spring. The ambassadors are a team of 26 employees who are divided among the seven areas and headquarters. Each ambassador travels throughout their assigned territory, conducting classes for managers and…

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More than 800 USPS Network Operations managers recently met at NCED

More than 800 Network Operations managers from across the country recently met and brainstormed strategies to increase process efficiencies and reduce costs — all while improving service performance. It’s a tall order, but one that Network Operations VP Linda Malone says postal employees are ready for. “Our employees have done a fantastic job improving customer…

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