NAPS Endorses Bill to Preserve Rural Service Standards

July 14, 2015
NAPS is proud to endorse the Rural Postal Act of 2015 (S. 1742) offered by Senator Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota. The legislation restores overnight July 2012 service standards, places a 2-year moratorium on the closure of additional mail processing plants, makes six-day delivery permanent, protects rural post offices from unnecessary closures or reductions in hours, and includes a number of other provisions that ensure that all families and businesses have high-quality mail service, regardless of where they live. In addition, the legislation properly assures that approximately 7,500 midlevel postal managers may appeal adverse personnel actions to the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board and clarifies that changes to pay and/or benefits, including the termination of a benefit, for managers cannot occur outside the designated time period for pay consultation between the managers’ organizations and the Postal Service unless mutually agreed upon.

Read the full endorsement of the legislation here:

Source: The National Association of Postal Supervisors

One thought on “NAPS Endorses Bill to Preserve Rural Service Standards

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU Cape Girardeau Local 4088
    Office held, if any
    Past Clerk Craft Director

    I am a retired postal worker. Retired out of Cape Girardeau, Mo. They apparently aren’t listening they are going full steam ahead with closing it. I can only think that they believe if it is a done deal they will not have to reopen it. Our service is really bad in Southeast Missouri. Bills are late sale bills don’t arrive until sale is over. That effects our local businesses and our local economy. We need help now.
    Ruth A Voelker

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